Happy Labor Day

September 5, 2021


Happy Labor Day! 

America is a place where we are encouraged to follow our dreams. It hasn't always been that way for everyone, but in our evolving and growing country, children are now encouraged to be whatever they want to be. "If there's a will, there's a way" is the mindset of many high achievers. The American Dream isn't as elusive as it used to be. — or at least it shouldn't be. I think you'll agree, these are strange times. My local restaurants are closed several days a week due to a shortage of workers. 

This is my grandfather working in the Biological Lab at Eglin Air Force Base. He worked there after he retired from being the County Agent for many years in Walton County, FL. He first worked to put himself through college. Hard work was why he said he lived so long, until he was 102. 

My Dad was the hardest working Minister of Music and Youth Director I've ever known. He's so  young in this photo, probably just out of seminary. He had several large choral and handbell choirs, for children through adults, and had meetings or rehearsals most nights of the week. He never sat still long. 

Here's my mother  right out of high school when she went to business school and worked at a parts supply store, then Redstone Arsenal before she attended Samford University. She later taught kindergarten for 30 years —  that's hard work!  

And now, my husband and I are on the upper end of the generation that has figured out how to work from anywhere in the world. Technology is changing the way Americans work, and it's exciting.  If the previous generations could see how we work now, they'd be amazed. They'd also tell us to stop working so much and enjoy life. 

Meeting the deadline in Florence, Italy.

May you all be blessed to love your work, and enjoy a day of rest, and may God bless our Country of hard workers. 

**I've just now remembered another story I wrote (one of my favorites to tell) about how my other grandfather - Granddaddy McKee ate 4 lbs of bananas so he could get a job during the depression. - Now that's dedication! Click HERE to read.