Planting of the Poinsettias

December 2, 2015


Fairhope's Flower Fairies were caught in action, with the Christmas poinsettias in hand.   The perfectly pretty poinsettias were being planted yesterday in time for the holiday season. Not only do they make our downtown area beautiful, but the flower beds also serve to slow down traffic. During the past few years, the city has also dug up the center median in some areas of the streets and planted small trees, which also helps manage traffic and create more green spaces.   The flower displays are changed four to six times a year and most are grown in the city-owned greenhouse. Here's an interesting guide to local trees, with the advantages and disadvantages of each type listed (HERE). This winter arrangement often includes bright white paperwhites as well, so they may be added later.   We had warm temperatures yesterday (79°), but by this evening, it's supposed to dip down into the the low 60's and then into the 40's overnight. Brrr! Air Conditioning one day, heat the next. That's the way we roll.