Shoeboxes full of love

November 10, 2017


Tired of hearing about my book? Well, I'm tired of talking about it (Bahahaha! yeah, right.) But here's a story for you that doesn't mention my book at all. (promise!) Just a good cause I thought should get some attention. Happy weekend to all of you!
courtesy of Samaritan's Purse
  "What is this world coming to?" is the question we've all asked lately. Terrorist attacks, and worshipers being murdered as they sit peacefully in their small-town church are too much for our minds to comprehend. No one has the answers, but one thing is certain, and that is our instructions are to love. Love one another, love your neighbor. Love those who persecute you. In all honesty, my very weak human instinct is to ignore love and instead seek punishment, retaliation and condemnation. When it comes to people who attack innocent citizens with seemingly no reason, it's difficult to love. To overcome our heavy hearts full of worry, fear and anger, the answer isn't to give up and hide. The antidote to our helplessness is to put love into action. Smothering evil with love and goodness is the way we win. It sounds simplified and hokey, but you'd be surprised how good it feels to take even a small step towards peace, and if we all took a tiny step together, we'd soon be leaping into a better world. Great floods first start with a few tiny drops of rain and great peace can begin with small acts of love.
Boxes in Paraguay
It may seem impossible to reach out in a global manner from our small homes, but one of the best ways I've found to directly participate in a legitimate international operation of kindness is through the program, Operation Christmas Child, organized by Samaritan's Purse, an international relief organization operated by Franklin Graham, son of evangelist Billy Graham. Simply enough, the group gives instructions on how to pack a shoebox with fun toys, hygiene items and other surprises for a child in a . . . click HERE to finish the story, and share to help spread the message!