
February 5, 2016


Leslie Anne TarabellaHere’s the big news I’ve been waiting to share with you . . .


Press Register, Leslie Anne Tarabella

Starting soon, I’ll be a weekly columnist with the Press Register! For those of you who live out of our area, the Press Register is a great newspaper based in Mobile, Alabama and is owned by Alabama Media Group, which also owns The Birmingham News, The Huntsville Times and The Mississippi Press.

Press Register
The fast-growing company is forward thinking and in recent years has made difficult decisions to rearrange their traditional form of news and place more emphasis on their digital content.The newspaper is now printed and delivered three times a week, with new content being added around the clock at their on-line site of



Nothing like a little pressure of over thirteen million people reading my stories every week! (Of course, they’ll all go straight to my page, because we don’t have anything else to read about around here like. . . sports, right?).


Press Register, Leslie Anne Tarabella

My column will be on as well as the printed Press Register and the other newspapers around the state will have the option of adding it to their papers as well. For those of you in the northern parts of the state, you may someday be able to line your birdcages with my face! Yippee! Dream come true!


And of course, the minute I got this new gig, I couldn’t think of a thing to write . . . crickets. Nothing.

Dry as a bone . . . panic set in and every ounce of creativity left my body.


writer's block, Leslie Anne Tarabella

But then (here’s the sweet part),  I remembered all of you who have read my blog over the years and sent thoughtful and kind comments. I met someone last night at the Art Center who lives in Louisiana, but has been subscribing to our Fairhope paper because he often visits here and told me how he has used some of my columns for his Sunday School devotionals. I also ran into a long time reader who lives out of town who has become a new friend because of my blog. The point is, my readers are so encouraging and nice, and with that thought . . . I knew I could do it.


Mobile-Press-Register-Masthead-1284x300I didn’t plan on being any sort of writer when I was young(er), but I’ve learned to always go with the gifts God gives you, and I’m a believer that those gifts are constantly changing and evolving. If you are afraid to use your gift, I think God will move you on to something else, and you’ll never know the joy of what could have been. So in short, I’m making hay while the sun shines.


Leslie Anne Tarabella

I’ll keep you posted on when my first story appears, but for now, I’ll just thank y’all again for sticking with me and reading my blog.

Thank you note, Leslie Anne Tarabella

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