Oh, to be young and on spring break!

April 26, 2017


My son Harrison went on a big adventure for spring break with five other college friends. Actually, all of them knew at least one other person on the trip, but none of them knew everyone. They basically said, "Hey, who wants to drive cross-country, camp in national parks, then turn around and come home?" (my guy's on the far left).
This is Harrison exploring the inside of a giant redwood tree. He took all the photos with either his drone, tripod or regular hand-held camera.
The photos are so majestic, I told him it's like going on spring break with Ansel Adams or Steven Spielberg.
He said he fell asleep in the car, and when he woke up, they were in Arizona and he thought he was on Mars.
They played in the fog at the Golden Gate Bridge.
And being from the South, they frolicked in the snow.
 Then frolicked some more.
They camped at Zion National Park, Sequoia National Park, Yosemite National Park, and stayed with one of their Aunts in San Francisco.  Harrison said, "Mom, you would have loved her. She's just like you . . . crazy!" He meant it in the nicest way possible (I'm sure). She did sound pretty fun, and sent them on their way with lots of food. What a nice Aunt!  
Here's a picture of the drone, which is  taking a picture of Harrison, taking a picture . . .  got that? A special feature allows Harrison to walk around, and the drone follows him.
They ate at Fisherman's Wharf and Harrison didn't remember we'd taken him there when he was 18 months old. I think that's pretty ungrateful of him.
And this is my favorite photo of the trip. They stopped at Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo, Texas on their way home, set up the tripod, and captured this amazing photo — with the shooting star.   I think all this camping, hiking and riding cross country with five other people would have done me in, yet when they returned to campus late Sunday night, they popped up and made it to class on Monday morning.   Youth. Sigh . . .