Modern brides love Mason Jars more than fine crystal

May 31, 2016


As the calendar of civility marches on, I can tell by the stack of invitations on my desk that we have now entered my favorite time of year . . . wedding season. But even though these once scrawny babysitters have grown into beautiful brides, something makes me fear for their futures — you see, none of them have chosen a proper china pattern.   I know! I was as shocked as you are. It seems modern brides think fine china, silver and crystal are passé and unnecessary for world peace. I beg to differ.   In the South, we’re taught the highest compliment you can give your guests is to make them feel special and loved. By using the best you have, it’s an unspoken way of saying, “Y’all are genuine quality folks, and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”  If you want to run someone off, throw their vittles on Chinet and slosh their iced tea in a Solo Cup. (This rule doesn’t apply to Dinner on the Grounds, which is why God created Chinet and Solo Cups to start with).   Girls today would rather buy dishes that come in a big box from a big box store than actually visit a proper fine china department in their locally owned jewelry store. They would rather name their children “Waterford” or “Lenox” than put it on their tables and they’d rather spend money on camping equipment than rimmed soup bowls. Sure, it’s nice to get out in the wilderness and enjoy hot, itchy nature, but when it comes time to serve the bouillabaisse, they’ll be sorry. The worst offense of the new casual trend that drives the older generation crazy is the new love-fest for . . .      click HERE to finish the story at   And let me know  . . . do you have fine china that you use? Are you glad you have it?