Meet Lise — Mom Loves Baking

December 19, 2018


My talented sorority sister from FSU featured me on her blog, Mom Loves Baking  — I know, two bloggers from the same sorority, what are the odds, right? Anyway, you are going to love Lise's blog about baking easy yet stunning treats from your kitchen. After college, Lise and I both won major awards — Lise as a two time finalist in the Pillsbury Bake-Off Competition and me as a finalist in Miss America — wait, that was somebody else. Whatever . . . 

Here we are together on the left. Lise looks adorable and I look like my neck is going to snap off under the weight of so much hair. 

Lise was kind enough to invite me to be her guest contributor today. Click over to Lise's blog and read my story about how our paths twist and turn through life, but with God's direction, always lead us to the right place. Click HERE: Mom Loves Baking. You'll want to sign up for email notifications of Lise's posts so you won't miss her fun recipe ideas.

Here's a cheer to good friends and good blogs and good hair!