Marketing award

May 1, 2023


Obviously, what some people call "nagging" can also be called, "marketing!" 

If you hung with me through last October - December, you were a trouper, listening to me plead, "please buy my book, buy my book, please!" 

Well, surprise! Thanks to your help, I won 1st place in the Excellence in Marketing on-line/Web presence from the Christian Author's Network for my book, "Bringing Christmas Home." 

The book sold out in only 3 months. It was an amazing, fun time for an author. You know, we usually just sit around and stare at a blank screen! A little bit of excitement goes a long way. 

I am completely honored and humbled. My prize includes consultations with marketing experts and advertising packages. I patiently await the arrival of the tiara. 

Writing a book is solitary, but marketing is bold and public.  I'm an odd combination of the two. I love being alone creating stories, but then I adore getting out and talking to my readers. 

My online marketing campaign centered around my blog, my author's Facebook page and my Instagram account.  I also used short video clips and reposted a few podcasts and TV interviews. Since my book was a true story that began in the 1920's, I used many retro-styled images, which caught people's attention and gave them a hint about the book. 

Here's why I think marketing is important . . . if God gives me a story to share, I'm not gong to sit on it. He wants us to share our gifts and bring joy to this world.  

So, now it's your turn. What gift should you be sharing? 

It doesn't hurt that I'm married to  a man who has degrees in marketing and advertising. I've learned many things from him over the years. He gave his opinions on my work, but never did it for me, even when I made big sad eyes at him. Over the years, I've learned to produce graphics myself and am still practicing video editing. AKL - Always keep learning! 

If you've watched the video on my sidebar of the hosting segment I did for The Blue Plate Special with Andy Andrews, you heard me mention his book, "The Bottom of the Pool." In this book, Andy focuses on achieving extraordinary results by reevaluating the value of your product from a new perspective. It really kick-started my determination to sell as many books as possible in a short 3 month period. 

I also need to thank ( it's just like the Academy Awards around my house - today's ballgown is blue) the bookstores and gift shops who sold my books and the groups that invited me to speak. It's a dream to work with so many nice people. 

The new edition of Bringing Christmas Home will be available later this summer. And hold on to your hats, I have big dreams for marketing! 

Thank you to everyone who bought the book. I have more stories on the way.