Harrison Scott Key

June 10, 2015


Perhaps it was in the  Oxford American I first discovered Harrison Scott Key's work, or maybe it was on his (late but great) blog, but I do remember that right away, I knew I had found a writer I loved.   No syrupy sweetness or trite romances, no dull plot lines or angry rants. Harrison Scott Key writes sharp-witted, deeply insightful, funny stories. He's a boy version of Fannie Flagg, in a non-fiction sort of way. That's high praise, considering I LITERALLY FELL OUT OF BED laughing at Fannie Flagg's book one night. Harrison Scott Key is that kind of fun. (I'm so tempted to add "in bed" here – you know, in a literary sort of way).   And guess where he's going to be this Saturday? Right here in Fairhope! A mere $5 ticket will get you in the door to hear Harrison (or like me, does he have two names – Harrison Scott?) speak and have him autograph your book. With the purchase of a ticket, you'll get $5 off your book, so hey . . . it's a deal, honey! "The World's Largest Man" is the heartwarming story of Harrison, a rather shy child who was raised by his manly-man, larger than life father. The story follows his bumpy path of growing up in the South and finding the unexpected goodness in both family and place.   I was seriously cracking up before I ever even started the book. The dedication page alone was enough to make me stop, get up off my bohunkus, walk through the house and read it aloud to my husband: "For my wife and also my lover, who have the pleasure of being the exact same person, and who hates it when I call her "my lover," so I do it a lot, because I have a disease that makes me say it."  
photo: Chia Chong
Here's the cutie-pie Key family. Now that he's a father, HSK has great insight on the tough and rewarding  job.   If you are in the Fairhope area, make sure you come out this Saturday to Page and Palette to hear Harrison Scott Key. If you aren't from around these parts, make sure you get a copy of "The World's Largest Man" for your very own. It's the kind of book you won't loan to anyone because you know you won't get it back. * Here's Harrison's entire tour schedule  (tip- Atlanta and Birmingham, you're up real quick-like, so take note, and New York friends, he's going to be in your neck of the woods too!).