Go Set a Watchman

July 10, 2015


“Since Atlanta, she had looked out the dining-car window with a delight almost physical.” - first line of the new, "Go Set A Watchman" by Harper Lee If the rest of the world is excited about Harper Lee's new book, "Go Set a Watchman," we here in South Alabama are over-the-moon excited, nervous and protective of "our" author. No one is really sure Harper Lee wanted this book published. Some say it was to be released only after her death, others say it was never to be revealed at all. Lawyers were involved, and when lawyers show up around a client who is now in the care of a nursing home, we become nervous. My fear is that the book won't live up to the high standards of Lee's classic, "To Kill a Mockingbird" and people will grumble. In that case, did she really ask for this? On the other hand, if it's fabulous, well then, all is well. I hope. update: ** I've just read the first chapter of the book at the Wall Street Journal (HERE) and so far . . . great!** But in the great Southern tradition of throwing a party for any occasion and to especially celebrate our admiration for Harper Lee and her iconic works, Fairhope's favorite bookstore, Page and Palette will celebrate in grand style this coming Tuesday, July 14th with a Watchman Book Launch Party beginning at 5:00pm. Give-aways of the new book, refreshments, including "Tequila Mockingbird" cocktails (clever) and a free photo booth will be part of the fun. But here's the exciting part . . . (for me, at least) I've been asked to be one of the "Notable Readers" who will take turns reading the entire book aloud in the store! Sharing the reading honors with me will be Al.com cartoonist, J.D. Crowe, and authors Watt Key and Shari Smith (check back later for updates of additional readers and details). I'm thinking of dressing in theme and wearing my overalls. Yes, of course I have overalls. What do you think I wear while snipping roses in the garden? If you are in the Fairhope area next Tuesday, come join the fun! * So, here's the question of the moment, what do y'all think of this book, and are you going to read it? * After you read GSAW, check out this summer reading list (HERE) from independently owned booksellers around the South, as listed on Garden & Gun's pages. – Fairhope's own Stephanie Crowe speaks for Page and Palette!