Savory fig – rosemary tart

After years of fighting birds, bugs, heat and leaving town on vacation just when the figs were getting ripe — I hit the jackpot this year. Now, I’m so sick of picking figs, I finally gave up and told the birds to help themselves. “Do you make fig preserves?” everyone wants to know. The answer…

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No fake news, I saw a panther! #freakingout

*I told Environmental Reporter, Ben Raines it was too bad the housewife/mom/Junior League columnist had this experience instead of him. He would have known exactly what this thing was. But now I know for sure my heart surgery was a success, since I didn’t fall over dead when I saw this beast! I actually…

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The Summer we know and love

Summer, Autumn, Winter (“Winnie”) and Spring are friends of my sons. Two are adorable, one is a tart, and the other will be a beauty someday — as soon as she grows into her teeth, bless her heart.  With absolutely no connection to these young ladies whatsoever, and thinking only of the calendar, I have…

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15 Alabama books to take to the beach

This story by Michelle Matthews appeared last week in the newspapers — and guess who was included? Yippee! What a nice surprise to be grouped with these amazing authors from Alabama! If you want to read the story at the site, click HERE. 15 Alabama books to take to the beach this summer…

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Hot as new love

Summer in the South — it’s hot as new love, and this is the time of the year that separates those who are long-time Southerners who know how to roll with the heat, from those newer residents who are taken by surprise.  Although we welcome new neighbors from other regions, the ones who set in…

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On the Mobile Delta

As children grow older, it’s harder to impress them, but I was determined before Harrison returned for his Junior year in college, I’d spend a memorable, fun day with both boys. My husband does lots of he-man things with them, but I wanted a “Mom/boys” day that didn’t involve a trip to Dillard’s. I finally…

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Don’t rush the Spiced Pumpkin Latte!

A first-world issue has been bothering me, and it began when I saw a display for Spiced Pumpkin Lattes — in the middle of August. Retailers have sensed our weakness for all things autumnal and know everyone in America is addicted to, and will purchase, anything that smells or tastes like Farmer Brown’s harvest.  …

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Summer photos and video from Harrison

Oh, how I love summer! August weather is a bit miserable here, but overall, I love having the boys home with us and the more relaxed schedules. They’ve both had summer jobs and taken a few classes, and it’s been so nice spending time together before my eldest son Harrison returns to college at the…

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