My favorite Christmas ornament
It’s getting downright cold here in Fairhope and beginning to look a lot like Christmas. But I haven’t unpacked my Christmas decorations just yet. I like to do things in order, so Thanksgiving must come first.
But because I know some of you Jolly Elves just can’t wait, I wanted to show this to you before you go tromping through the woods to chop down your perfect Christmas tree.
This is my favorite Christmas ornament.
Because I love to see it year round, it remains in the china cabinet and is never packed away with the other decorations. A slice off the bottom of the trunk, and a small hole drilled in the top, an engraved note from the local trophy shop, and there you have it!
Our first tree wasn’t found in the snow -covered woods. We bought it in the parking lot of the Home Depot in Marietta, Georgia. Very romantic and dreamy.
I don’t know why we didn’t save the slices from my children’s first-year trees. I guess I had the baby-fuzz-brain condition. It hasn’t eased up yet. I’m waiting. Patiently.
Do tell, what is your favorite ornament?
Hi Leslie Anne, What a grand idea for your keepsake! I confess, I am one of those jolly elves you are speaking of. I use to be like you, first things first but now i try to have the tree up for Thanksgiivng. We always had a live tree until a few years ago, just hard to get it all done. Now we enjoy it longer and I bring in fresh greens to get the Christmas fragrance i love. My favorite ornament has to be a cub scout my son made when he was cs. Second, from our first Christmas, three little angels with white hair and silver robes. We place them just below the tree topper!
Have a great week……..hugs.
The cub scout ornament sounds adorable. I would love to see it!
What a great ornament. Geez, wish I had thought of that about 33 years ago!
Yes, I’m usually the one having the “after-thoughts!”
such a great idea, and wood slices are just so perfect year round, too. i wish i started collecting ornaments of all our travels, but i started that late. i am excited to add a few this year to our tree, a macaron from france and a little cup from mexico.
My two most favorite would be two hand crafted (by me) that contain pictures of my two children and a third would be a tiny plastic Rudolph given to me by my favorite Aunt when I was a child. My tree would not be complete without them.
I’m sure they are precious! (The children and the ornaments).
I love, love, love the idea of the slice of Christmas tree. Brilliant! Of course my favorite ornaments are the ones that my kids made for me over the years but I also have a very special musical ‘NSYNC ornament that my kids bought for me because I was such a fan. It is wacky but I love it!
NSYNC? I’ll have to file that tidbit of information about you away for future use.
Leslie Anne,
LOVE this idea!!! Wish I had done this with our first tree…oh well. It will be featured at my party on Monday. Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Thanks for the feature!
I love this idea! What a sweet reminder of your first Christmas and tree.
As for my own favorite. . .hmmmmm. Let me admit that we haven’t had a tree in many years so I’m not sure what most of my ornaments look like anymore. It’s sad I know. However, when I think about my tree decorations, the ones that spring forward in my mind most readily are two specific stars. Both the first year my mom started raising us as a single parent and the first year Pat and I had a tree, we didn’t have the money for a star. Instead we made our own. Both of those stars were made with cardboard and covered with aluminum foil. Simple and basic. I’m sure my mom still has the one we made and I know I have ours also, I can’t bear to part with the symbol of a new beginning. It sounds like you won’t ever either.
[…] This one is indestructible, thank goodness. […]