A Day on the Sound
I needed to pick something up from my parent’s house in Fort Walton Beach, so we hopped in the car and drove over for a quick visit, which wouldn’t be complete without checking the crab trap. Mother and Daddy actually live in Mary Esther, which is just west of FWB, on Santa Rosa Sound.
There was only one little crab, so he got to go back in the water.
This is my Dad who lives in the perfect spot because he loves to fish. My Mom made us a delicious lunch and we all enjoyed the unusually cool day in August. The humidity has disappeared for a few days and temperatures have dropped to the mid 80’s. Crazy freezing cold for an August day on the Gulf Coast! I needed a jacket! Ha!
The water in Santa Rosa Sound is so clear and I was wishing we had brought our swimsuits. Here’s my new homeschooler, who was able to get some of his school work done in the car on the hour and a half drive over, enjoy a day with his grandparents, get in a little “marine biology education,” and then finished his daily work when we got home.
The hermit crab was happy to serve as a prop for a photo (that’s all camera equipment in the backpack), and my son was beside himself happy thinking how he could have been sitting inside a (mostly windowless) classroom back in Fairhope. We’ve started almost all of his classes, and he’ll add an Italian class after Labor Day. So far, his favorite course is Anatomy and Physiology which is an on-line, self-paced class through the Georgia Department of Education.
This is a neighbor’s house, which if I remember correctly, is somewhere close to 80 years old. It is probably the most gorgeous and charming coastal cottage I’ve ever seen, and the owners have told me I could share it with you sometime. Last year, I tried to take a few photos, but would you believe it . . . it was so hot my camera lens fogged up!!! AAggghhh!
The Sound has a smaller beach area than the Gulf of Mexico which is just on the other side of Santa Rosa Island and serves as a barrier island, protecting this beach from major storms.
And here’s a sneak peek inside one of the three boxes I had to pick up. Too fragile and precious to mail. In a week or two, I’ll show you what’s up with this pearl laden lady.
Hope you have a nice, cool, humid-free August day wherever you are!
To read my previous story on Santa Rosa Sound, click HERE.
Great post today…loved reading that you refer to your parents as “Mother and Daddy”..I get that southern stuff! I always called my parents Mother and Daddy, which in California sounds a little formal (Mother) but I was raised by southerners and my whole family is from the south (Mississippi). Your home schooler looks very happy. Hope he has a great year! I’ll be looking for the posts you have for the doll and on the neighbor’s house…I’m sure could live there!
Have a great day!
Our family never went for the “Mama” some of my southern friends use, and we never thought of “Mother” as being formal. That’s just who she is. But Daddy has always been “Daddy.”
Can’t wait to show you the dolls and where I use them!
Sounds like you picked the perfect day to be outdoors. A nice hint of Fall, none too soon.
After weeks of dripping hot weather, the past few days have been wonderful. Although the oppressive humidity is supposed to return in a few days. It was a wonderful day!
Nothin attracts crabs like something dead and in the water. We always carried a shovel and when we saw a road kill, we’d stop and scoop him up. My little brother was given the unwanted task to tie a cement block to the poor recently deceased little creature. Then we’d drop him near the trap. Crabs from a mile away would come looking for something to eat and many made wrong turns and entered our traps. The record for a decent sized possum was thirty three crabs. It was better than two bird with one stone. It was thirty three crabs with onr cement block. And that’s the truth.
HAHAHAHAHAHA! You’re a card!
Hands on learning is usually a lesson not soon forgotten.. Great pictures of a beautiful area.
Thanks. You are very correct.
On our way home he said he needed some water which was a “homeostasis reaction” to eating something salty. “I learned that just the other day in Antatomy” he said. Now he’s looking up the habitats of hermit crabs from the trip.
Speaking of pictures…..who IS your photographer….they are always incredible photos, very professional, and always taken from an artists eye. I bet I know.
Thanks Ashley. (Your guess is correct). I take most of the photos, but honestly, if they are really good, they are usually from one of my two sons or my husband who are all very talented and serious photographers. I use a Sony RX100 III, but I also get great results from my iphone. Everyone else in my family has major-big-time cameras . . . hence the giant backpack!
Looks like a great day to be near the water! I’m looking forward to days when our humidity is low! So glad that your son is doing well with the homeschooling! I didn’t know so many resources were available for homeschooling. Sounds like he has a lot more to choose from than we do in our public schools here! …can’t wait to see the story behind the doll, she looks awfully pretty!
Thanks Rhonda. When we started looking into homeschooling classes, we were overwhelmed with all that is offered. He’s also going to be starting an adult level drawing class at the Eastern Shore Art Center in mid-September. There are so many choices we have to be careful not to overload him!
Don’t you look adorable! I love Mary Esther and can’t wait to see inside the historic house…and read about the surprise in the box. Enjoy this wonderful reprieve from August heat. I’ve put on a sweatshirt the past two mornings and we’ve had the windows open, sleeping like Goldilocks!
Not yet sweatshirt weather, but boy, does that sound wonderful. I’ll bet you can hear that romantic train whistle in Marietta Square loud and clear now!
Love this post! Wonderful images.
I called my parents Mother and daddy too. I don’t know why and when I speak of them to this day I call them Mother and daddy. My grandparents called daddy brother and my aunt sister. I don’t know why.
They were Texans all. Although my granddaddy was born in southern Missouri, he went to Texas before he was 6 years old, and he was Texan through and through.
Come to think of it, I’m pretty sure both my parents also called their parents Mother and Daddy. I can hear my own Daddy say to his own Daddy (when he was 100 years old), “Hey Daddy, look at this!”
And when I was a teenager, it was, “mo-THER!!!”
Hello dear Leslie Anne… Your pics are great. Love the one of you with your handsome Dad. I have never seen a crab trap before but plenty of lobster traps! Great post. Have a wonderful weekend.
The closest thing we have to a lobster here is a craw-dad (or craw-daddy!) hahaha!
Our lobster here come from the tank in the grocery store!
My first teaching job was at FWB high school. My hubby and I lived in Mary Ester. We enjoyed living there but soon moved back to Alabama. Real understanding is going on with your son. I know this because he applied something he learned to a real life situation. Sounds a lot like problem based learning to me.
My brother graduated from FWB high school and he loved it. Such a great place to live. Love to hear your take on learning. Thanks for the encouragement!
In my neck of the woods…I see:)
I know you love visiting your parents. They have a great view for sure. I am so glad you are getting to enjoy these days with your son. They will be priceless for you and him.
What a great little field trip! And a bonus that your son could come along to see his grandparents. I’m sure everyone loved that!
Such a beautiful part of the country.
[…] may remember last week I went to Mary Esther to pick up a package far too precious to mail. Well, this is what was inside . . . antique bride […]
What a lovely spot to get to visit with your parents! I’ve driven through that part of our area many times and always remark how much I love Mary Ester. The foliage and lack of big own feel really appeals to me. I hope y’all had a really lovely day.
Thanks Hope. It really does feel very peaceful there. (Except for the traffic!)