Social distancing with Alan Jackson

***This was written during the thick of the pandemic when we were wiping down our groceries and spraying our mail with Lysol. – What is going on in this world?  While the world was swirling in turmoil and we were wringing our hands in angst, wearing masks and trembling in our homes . . .…

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Memorial Day — The Meaning of Taps

Memorial Day will be celebrated this weekend with ceremonies across the United States. Often, the traditional “Taps” will be played signaling the somber end . . . the end of the day, the end of soldier’s lives. The origins of the song are mingled with legends and folk tales, so it’s difficult to find hard…

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A Dinah Washington Valentine

One of my favorite Alabamians is the Queen of Blues, Dinah Washington. Born in Tuscaloosa in 1924 as Ruth Lee Jones, Dinah rose to fame in the 1950’s with her earthy voice that thrilled fans, but baffled and often irritated the critics because she was able to bounce from one genre to the next with…

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Find your Steinway

“If you could have any power, talent or ability, what would it be?” This was the question asked by friends over dessert one night. After thinking for a moment, I decided that aside from having the power to time travel (hello, young Elvis) I would like to be able to play the piano like Harry…

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Operation Lawrence Welk

This story is included in the book: The Majorettes are Back in Town.  When we’re home on a Saturday evening, and everyone is scattered around the house doing their own thing, I like to slip over, grab the remote control and turn the TV to the PBS station and crank up The Lawrence Welk Show.…

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Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday is an exciting time in Christian churches around the world. It’s the start of Holy Week which leads into Easter. Children in our church, as well as many other churches, traditionally wave palm branches at the beginning of the service to signify the palm branches that were waved by the crowds, welcoming Jesus…

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