You’ve heard it before, but are afraid to say it aloud for fear of sounding boastful. Southern women are prettier than others. But wait just a cotton pickin’ minute. Is it true? Are we really prettier? I’ll let you in on a little secret. We’re not. Everyone just has that illusion because the truth is,…
Read MoreWell, I couldn’t be happier with the way it turned out! I mentioned a few months ago (HERE) that I was chosen to write this year’s Gulf Shores and Orange Beach 2017 Official Vacation Guide. It was an interesting project about the place I love, and even though I’ve lived in this area my entire…
Read MoreYes ma’am, there actually are rational, common-sense reasons we teach our children manners here in the South. It has nothing to do with tradition and everything to do with making society a more civilized place. And before you think I equate “civilized” with “moonlight and magnolias,” hold your horses — please and thank you. You…
Read MoreSomeone needs to have a little chat with the smarty pants engineers who are designing the self- driving cars of the very near future. These brainiacs may have solved the problem of traffic jams and the stress associated with them, but they haven’t given one thought to the new problem they’re creating for parents. Sure,…
Read MoreOur last name is very rare, so I always have to spell it, and then everyone says, “Oh, just like it sounds!” We did some research, and found that “Tarabella” is even a rare name in Italy. In fact, most Tarabellas in Italy live in a 3 kilometer area in and around the beautiful…
Read More*A version of this story is included in my book, The Majorettes are Back in Town. This year, my husband and I celebrated Valentine’s Day like a boring mom and dad, instead of dreamy eyed lovers. Earlier in the day, our son had his wisdom teeth extracted, so we spent the evening dishing…
Read MoreMy brother, Robert Harrison — not to be confused with my son, Harrison Robert, or my husband Robert, threw a party dedicated to the well loved church casserole. Robert (the brother) is single, and he’s always looking for a way to get women to bring him food without making any kind of commitment, so the…
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