The new book!

By Leslie Anne Tarabella / October 13, 2020 /

Exploding Hushpuppies! by Leslie Anne Tarabella will be released in early November 2020.

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Table napkins pull us together

By Leslie Anne Tarabella / October 8, 2020 /

The sale of paper table napkins is on the decline, due in part to people not sitting down at a table to eat a meal. Millennials in particular feel that paper towels are just as good and a faster option to dabbing the corners of their crumbly sticky mouths. When I read this breaking napkin…

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Before and after and here we go again

By Leslie Anne Tarabella / October 6, 2020 /

Before Hurricane Sally. After Hurricane Sally. I couldn’t have told you what the neighbor’s houses looked like before the storm. You can look at the house in the distance and see the blue tarps on their roof. Everyone in town can show you similar photos. It’s not just me. We’re all in the same boat…

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A hurricane and farewell to Winston Groom

By Leslie Anne Tarabella / September 17, 2020 /

We just received word today that one of our local favorite authors in Fairhope, Winston Groom has passed away. I don’t know any details, but he will be missed. He always took time to talk with me when we saw each other, although I always felt like I needed to remind him who I was.…

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Don’t give me a bad hushpuppy

By Leslie Anne Tarabella / September 10, 2020 /

Go ahead and talk ugly about my hairdo, say my pearls are plastic, but whatever you do, don’t ever give me a hard-as-a-rock, pre-cooked and flash frozen hushpuppy.  They’re easy to spot and wildly rampant these days, even in the best restaurants. Looking like little brown jawbreakers from the gumball machine, and tasting about as…

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Saying goodbye to Lois Lane

By Leslie Anne Tarabella / September 2, 2020 /

My long time blog readers have heard many stories about my sweet beagle, Lois Lane. She has received her own fan mail and I’ve had readers ask about her during book signings. You’ll see in this story, that she passed away on her 15th birthday after a very happy and spoiled life — which is…

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Italian Bolognese

By Leslie Anne Tarabella / July 18, 2020 /

“When you hear people speaking about Bolognese cuisine, be reverent, because it deserves it.” Pellegrino Artusi As I sit home with the rest of the world, wondering if we’ll ever be able to use our suitcases again, I’m thinking about the happier days when we could travel. This time last year, as I was freely…

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Social distancing with Alan Jackson

By Leslie Anne Tarabella / June 15, 2020 /

***This was written during the thick of the pandemic when we were wiping down our groceries and spraying our mail with Lysol. – What is going on in this world?  While the world was swirling in turmoil and we were wringing our hands in angst, wearing masks and trembling in our homes . . .…

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Romance and the dishwasher

By Leslie Anne Tarabella / May 27, 2020 /

My husband and I are enjoying our extra “together” time during this stay-at-home marathon. We’re the model couple for romance and fun. Sitting together while reading, watching movies and sharing candlelight dinners is all wonderful. Once we finish the romantic meal and the extinguished candles send a snaking stream of smoke to the ceiling, the…

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Now is the time for all Southern ladies . . .

By Leslie Anne Tarabella / May 7, 2020 /

Now is the time for all good Southern ladies to come to the aid of their country. The stay-at-home slouch-fest is almost over, and we’ve got the needed skills to return America to proper civilized society.  We were taught that during trials, we should, “slap on some lipstick, stand up straight, and for crying out…

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