Cooking Class

My husband is impossible to shop for. He buys most of his own clothes and loves good electronic gadgets, but he’s the expert of those, so I have to leave it to him. Socks? Boring. Books? He likes to read them on a glowing thing-a-ma-jig. But guess what Mr. Know it all doesn’t have?
The ability to cook. Except for an anchovy salad. Seriously. And it isn’t half bad . . . if you like anchovies. But that’s it except for cereal.
So . . . this past Christmas, I enlisted the help of my friend who happens to be a professional caterer, chef and cookbook author, Malia Mullican. I love having accomplished friends. Malia agreed to host a cooking class, not just for my Bob, but for eight of his friends. I texted all the other wives, who had similar stories of, “What do I get him?” We printed out certificates, and Malia did the rest. She brought her friend Roberta to help with everything.
The men opened their certificates on Christmas morning and you’d think they had received the latest Hot Wheels and Rock ‘em Sock ‘em Robots together. It’s all they could talk about for weeks. Even the men who knew how to cook were excited.
Delayed at first, due to a freak 1 in a million year snowstorm, we quickly adjusted and I cleared out of the house while the men invaded. Malia and Roberta took over and kept their students busy.
After eating Conecuh Sausage appetizers, and sipping a few drinks, the men watched as Malia demonstrated how to properly select, cut, and cook a beef tenderloin.

Malia also threw in tips for sharpening knives, baking the perfect potato, and creating a magical meaty meal. The men enjoyed being together and eating lots of meat. A few more beverages washed it all down. Some of the wives met for dinner, while others decided to enjoy an evening alone. Meanwhile, our husbands learned to cook (for us). This has to be the perfect gift.

Now they want to have another class.
Little Coastal Kitchen
Click the Little Coastal Kitchen link above to see Malia’s beautiful website where you’ll find creative recipes and information about her book, Soups and Sides: Easy and Delicious Soup Meals for Every Season

If you live locally, click HERE to find Malia and make arrangements for your own class and read some of her delicious recipes.
What a terrific idea! When I first met David, everything he cooked involved venison which I don’t eat (Bambi). I love Malia’s cooking but I don’t eat beef either (beautiful brown eyes). I’m not quite sure how I married a meatavor who hates vegetables, but it seems to be working.
It was one of my better gift ideas – born out of desperation, but he loved it! Malia’s cookbook has lots of vegetable ideas – but I have to agree with David – although I love veggies, a big hamburger or steak every now and then is delicious!
That was a fabulous idea! My husband can cook and does a great job. He doesn’t like the clean-up part. So do you think you are now married to a chef?
I got a great Valentine’s Day Steak cooked just for me! Not a full blown chef, but a good steak dinner every now and then is better than nothing.
What a fantastic gift idea!
The best part was it was a group activity – no golf, but a fun night for all of them.
The gift that keeps on giving!! How smart of y’all, the gift for them is actually for you!
Yes, I learned that from Bob when he gave me “pretty nightgowns.” Touché.