Bye Bye Birdie on the Bluff

Bye Bye Birdie - Leslie Anne Tarabella

Well, Conrad Birdie definitely had the chicks a-screaming on the Fairhope Bluff as Bye Bye Birdie played for three straight nights to huge crowds in Henry George Park.


Bye Bye Birdie - photo by Robert TarabellaTo top off the stellar performances was the five-star weather we’ve been enjoying here on the Gulf Coast. Picnic blankets and lawn chairs crowded together to see the Eastern Shore Reperatory Theatre‘s third outdoor musical.


Bye Bye Birdie - photo by Robert Tarabella

With the sunset over Mobile Bay as the background, you couldn’t have had a better location for an evening of entertainment.


The Eastern Shore Repertory Theatre always puts on a great outdoor show every spring in beautiful Fairhope Alabama. The Eastern Shore Repertory Theatre (ESRT) founded and directed by Erin Langley, has reached into the community to discover local talent that far outshines our small-town image. Not only does the company produce fabulous local performances, but they also offer musical summer camps, dance and musical theatre classes and award multiple scholarships to other theatre programs.


Bye Bye Birdie - photo by Robert Tarabella

Seeing the talent of our neighbors, friends and people we see in the grocery store is exciting.


Bye Bye Birdie - photo by Robert TarabellaTheatre on the bluff is a long tradition in Fairhope, and it’s always nice to sit beneath the stars and think about how many other generations have done the exact same thing. Of course now, we have professional lighting, sound systems and gorgeous costumes.


Bye Bye Birdie - photo by Robert Tarabella

The character of Conrad Birdie was played by my son’s friend, Liam Searcy, who is only 16 years old. His talent is amazing, and in his non-theatrical teenage life, he was recently awarded the rank of Eagle Scout from local Troop 47, something only 5% of scouts ever accomplish. In other words, Liam, who is also a home schooler, is a very well-rounded teen.


Bye Bye Birdie - photo by Robert TarabellaShelby Wisely graduated from Fairhope High School a few years ago with my older son and for such a short time on stage, she packed a punch and had the audience in stitches. Definitely one of my favorite moments of the show.


Bye Bye Birdie - photo by Robert TarabellaAnna DeWayne (above), Jason McCormick, Payton Robinson, Paul Glisson, and another personal favorite — not only for her beautiful voice, but also for her hilarious facial expressions of the ditzy mother was Ashley Conyers — all made a huge impression.


Bye Bye Birdie - photo by Robert Tarabella

The cranky, bossy mother, played by Trish Scarpuzzi was perfectly cast, and played her part so well, that when her son told her to leave . . . the crowd cheered! Louis Cunningham was also a favorite . . . and now, I’ve made the mistake of starting to name all the favorites, but they were ALL my favorites! Even the smallest dancers did the best job with their expressions, and sang their little hearts out!


Bye Bye Birdie CollageEveryone in town is thrilled with the work the ESRT has done. What will they possibly think of next?


To read more about Eastern Shore Repertory Theatre and find out about their camps, click HERE.

Thanks to my husband, Robert Tarabella for the photos. 


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  1. Ellen on May 9, 2016 at 11:06 am

    This looks like a lot of fun! I worked on this show once, years ago. I think my job was ironing costumes! It’s nice that you have this tradition. I always enjoyed doing community theatre.

    • Leslie Anne on May 9, 2016 at 11:46 am

      I’ll bet it was the most fun you ever had ironing! What a great show!

  2. Jess on May 9, 2016 at 4:55 pm

    A fun fantastic event under the stars. What could be more perfect. Congratulations to all the cast & crew for an amazing evening. Beautiful pictures too, congrats to hubby also.

    • Leslie Anne on May 9, 2016 at 7:07 pm

      He’s kind of helpful that way. Thanks.

  3. Jenna on May 9, 2016 at 5:21 pm

    One of my favorite shows, what a treat to watch it under the stars overlooking the bay! You all have too much fun in Fairhope!

    • Leslie Anne on May 9, 2016 at 7:07 pm

      There’s always something going on, that’s for sure.

  4. Pam Richardson on May 9, 2016 at 7:06 pm

    Leslie Anne, I love local theater! The show looks fabulous…Fairhope does it all! Blessings, Pam @ Everyday Living

    • Leslie Anne on May 10, 2016 at 2:23 pm

      Thanks Pam. The show lasted about two hours, but it went by in a flash. you would have loved it.

  5. Kim on May 10, 2016 at 1:53 pm

    We had a blast! Can’t wait till the next production.

  6. Jenny on May 10, 2016 at 3:02 pm

    Wonderful article Leslie Ann! Bye Bye Birdie was such a wonderful experience that we’re already looking forward to next year’s production!

  7. Karyn Tunks on May 10, 2016 at 5:11 pm

    Such BIG talent for our little town! Thanks for the excellent photos and review.

  8. Emily on May 11, 2016 at 7:41 am

    Oh I’m sure this was so much fun, would love to see a production of BBB. Enjoyed your photos……………

  9. Looks like a great performance. I know all the words to the music of Bye Bye Birdie – loved the play and the movie. Fairhope is bursting with talent!! Have a great week.

  10. Mo at Mocadeaux on May 12, 2016 at 7:50 pm

    I absolutely love local theater. And I love Bye Bye Birdie. My son played the dad, Mr. McAfee, in his junior high school’s rendition of the play. So much fun!

    • Leslie Anne on May 12, 2016 at 9:29 pm

      It’s even better when kids play the roles!

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