Torta for La Epifania
Since my son’s homeschool plan includes Italian, we signed up for the weekly email from Dianne Hale, entitled, “La Bella Lingua – Becoming Italian Word by Word.”
This week, we learned that January 6th, the traditional day of Epiphany, is a huge celebration in Italy.
“The final feast is l’Epifania, on January 6, which commemorates the arrival of i re magi, the three kings who followed the bright Christmas star (stella cometa) to bring gifts for Baby Jesus (bambino Gesu).”
Since we are busy on the 6th, we decided to celebrate a day early with an Italian meal (which really isn’t all that unusual at our house), and chose a vegetable torta (which is unusual for our house). We learned torta is singular and torte is plural. We only needed una torta, so I gathered just enough delicious veggies, chopped and roasted them, and then assembled the layers.
Not remembering my springform pan had the latch fly off the last time I used it, (hmmm . . . it was only 20 years old) I made do with a deep cake pan (10×4) lined with foil and coated with non-cook spray.
I decided to add rigatoni, and layered peppers, onions, squash, carrots, sweet potato, spinach and my favorite, beets.Okay, the beets were on the bottom, and made a huge mess, although it was a beautiful, deep red mess. Next time, eggplant will be on the bottom. The peppers on the top looked pretty, although my son thought it was salmon. Um, no.
In between the layers of vegetables, I sprinkled mozzarella cheese and spread pesto for two of the layers. Three eggs beat together and seasoned with Italian seasonings were poured between the layers to help it set. Baked at 400° for 30-40 minutes, then cooled for 30 minutes before flipping over, it was . . . La maggior parte dei vegetali deliziosa torta che hai mai mangiato! (The most delicious vegetable torta you’ve ever eaten!).
And although I could have had just the torta for a main course, I felt sorry for the meat-lovers and gave them some baked chicken to go with the torta. When my son saw the final presentation, he looked shocked and said,
“Seriously? A cake made of nothing but vegetables?” Oh, the torture of a torta.
(But he had two servings).
Buona L’Epifania to you!
If you want to take a look at Diane Hale’s La Bella Lingua, which we use to supplement the language class, click HERE.
Leslie Anne… where do I sign up for your home school class? Great photos and looks positively delish!! Can’t wait to read your column about “so.”
So . . . I think you would make a great addition to our class! I would teach you dishwashing skills! Hahaha!
Oh yum Leslie Anne, I would love this recipe. All recipes made in one dish makes me happy! Enjoyed the information about the traditional day of Epiphany in Italy. Your son has a cute sense of humor……….
It really was delicious and I’m getting ready to have leftovers for lunch today! And “cute” doesn’t begin to describe this kid!
Magnifico! Don’t know if this is right — I am still working on it!
It certainly looks pretty.
I think you are spot-on! It actually tasted better than it looked!
Happy New Year, Little Bitty Pretty One! Oooo…this looks mighty tasty! Been to Italy 3 times and would go again in a heart beat! 🙂 Well, after I get this old leg back in good shape! Thanks for popping in to see me.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia 😉
I’d love to go back to Italy again. The food was so unique and definitely not what we know as Italian here. This recipe turned out to be more like real Italian food, probably because everything in it was so fresh.
Happy healing to you and your poor leg!
Yum! This is like watching the Food Network and enjoying meals vicariously through others! Got any suggestions for a King Cake that actually tastes good? I’m thinking a Sara Lee Coffee Cake with purple, gold, and green sprinkles on top?
Want a good King Cake? Go to New Orleans!The local grocery stores should be banned from selling them.
Very cool Leslie Anne!!
Thanks, Kitchen Queen!
Honestly, it looks delicious. Right out of a magazine.
Well, it did get a bit juicy, but I’ll know better next time! Thanks though.
When I saw the first picture I thought surely you had purchased this gorgeous creation! And all of those deep colored vegetables that are so nutrient packed. Well done, Leslie Anne!
I must click on that Becoming Italian Word by Word!
Thanks Dewena. You’ll love the web site, even if you don’t want to learn Italian, it always has something interesting about their culture.
I absolutely love this! We spent most of the holiday in Panama. They celebrate the entire 12 Days of Christmas with a big finish on Epiphany. It was lovely to hear holiday music and feeling the joy still going strong in the early New Year.
I saw your photos of Panama and it looked amazing. What an exotic place to spend Christmas! We tend to celebrate a lot before Christmas, but I like other countries that keep it going until Epiphany. It just seems more relaxing that way. Happy New Year!
My son was born on the day of Epiphany! I think we should begin this festival at our house in his honor!!! The recipe looks delicious!
Thanks Kim. The beginning of January is a nice time to have a birthday. After all the Christmas rush, and then the wise men come to bring gifts!
Delizios! Your torta looks like something from a Food Network show! Giada is going to be calling you as a consultant.
Ha! Don’t know about that, but I’d love to see her version! I’m sure it would be perfect.