Spring Break in Atlanta

flowers in parkThe plan was to spend the week in Atlanta, this time not exclusively hanging out with family and friends as usual, but visiting the tourist spots we so often overlook. Spring has already come and gone at our home in Fairhope, but it was just beginning to burst wide open in this part of Georgia, so we got a double dose of beauty this year!

DSC01241We stayed downtown within view of the Ferris Wheel that was originally located in Pensacola. We were sad to see it move to Atlanta (rolling up the Interstate) but it’s loaded with riders in this new location, right across the street from Centennial Park.
statue CollageThis (very dark and terrible photo) is the statue of the founder of the modern Olympic movement, Baron Pierre de Coubertin. He held my Waffle House Coffee while I juggled packages and my camera. My husband and I, along with our then 3 month old son, were in Olympic park just hours before the terrible bombing in 1996. I prophetically commented as we entered the park that day, that I was surprised there were no bag-check security stations at the park’s entrance like they had at all the other venues.

RLCollage3We shopped till we dropped at Lenox Square. I hadn’t been there since the addition of the two story Ralph Lauren Store. Sigh . . .  that’s me in the bottom left photo, hanging out in one of the gorgeous show rooms. The navy and white decor just called to me!

Tesla CollageMuch to the delight of my husband and son, Tesla had a showroom. While the men looked at cars, my cousin met us for lunch and she and I spent most of the time playing with her adorable baby, so I did squeeze in some family time.

Varsity WindowWe had to get an FO (and onion rings) at The Varsity before we hit a few museums.


RhettRhett Butler in a box. He still looks great.

No photo, but we ate at the revolving Sundial Restaurant which is the on the 72nd floor of the Westin Peachtree Tower. While we were there, my husband remembered it was exactly 22 years to the day that he and I had a very special romantic date in that exact spot! He’s good for remembering dreamy things like that.


dancing seniorsThis is a shot of an Atlanta Hawks game, when the “Dancing Seniors” took to the floor during a break in the game. This group put the regular cheerleaders on notice! My son was totally embarrassed that a bunch of Moms – and Grandmothers would shake their “stuff” like this, so of course I told him I couldn’t wait to audition! (MOM!!! That’s NOT FUNNY!!!) I thought it was hilarious.


pole holeAnother family moment came when we visited my brother who is in the process of building a house. You will read a lot more about his interesting project in the weeks and months to come, but just as a teaser, here’s the place he’ll put the fire pole. That’s what I said. F-i-r-e- P-o-l-e. Did I ever tell you I have a creative brother who is also a builder? Stay tuned . . .


Downtown MariettaAnd of course, we can’t stay away from Marietta. It’s such a beautiful town and we love strolling around the square. So many new shops and things to see every time we are there. Over the course of the week, we ate my favorite pizza (Antico), fabulous, spicy Indian food (goat masala),  Asian-Tex Mex fusion, BBQ, and chili dogs from The Varsity. Needless to say, I’m now home now, recovering from vacation.

There’s no place like home.



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  1. Suzan on April 13, 2015 at 9:52 am

    How strange that even though you mentioned the bomber – I’m leaving this post thinking ” what a wonderful world ”
    I can so see you dancing on a basketball court one day ( I can see myself doing it too ) but not yet lol !
    Great post !

    • Leslie Anne on April 13, 2015 at 1:12 pm

      Yes, whether it’s rose colored glasses or just senility, I still like to associate myself with the younger cheerleaders! – Shut your cotton pickin’ mouth!

  2. Patsy on April 13, 2015 at 3:57 pm

    What a whirlwind of a fun time! I enjoyed the tour.

    • Leslie Anne on April 13, 2015 at 7:16 pm

      It was very busy and we wished we had another week to see everything, especially since the Braves were opening their season later that week!

  3. Beemie on April 13, 2015 at 6:27 pm

    I would love to go back to Atlanta…have been three times for market so no sightseeing….your photos are great.

    • Leslie Anne on April 13, 2015 at 7:16 pm

      America’s Mart buildings are very close to where we stayed this time. Next time you go, take an extra day and see some of the museums that are within walking distance. You’ll love it.

  4. Judy Pimperl on April 13, 2015 at 9:21 pm

    Looks like a fun trip! I love the “helping hand” that held your cup for you. It’s been forever since I visited Marietta..I lived there briefly as a child. Last time I was there, there were some great little shops…maybe it’s time for another visit.

    • Leslie Anne on April 13, 2015 at 9:30 pm

      You will remember so much, but you’ll be shocked at the changes! Let me know if you visit.

  5. Mo at Mocadeaux on April 15, 2015 at 12:07 pm

    What fun! My in-laws lived in Marietta for years and we always had such fun visiting them, including 2 weeks during the Olympics. When I first saw the picture from your brother’s house, I thought that he was building one of those super cool wine cellars accessible through a hole in the kitchen floor. But a fire pole?!?!
    Welcome back home!!

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